15 Reasons You Should Take A Spanish Course In Spain
If you’re considering enrolling in a Spanish Language course, you should know that there are many reasons why it’s worth considering the option of studying abroad.
One of the best ways to learn a language is by immersing yourself in it. This type of learning through organic immersion has proven to be much more effective for our brain than any textbook or classroom-based approach.
It’s really a shame that so many people study a language at home, in a classroom, without ever experiencing the country that speaks that language. If you want to learn Spanish then you should go to Spain and learn it there! The reason is simple: if you’re going to live in a country that speaks another language, then you should be surrounded by it. You don’t have to speak a lot, just a little. You might not even manage to say “hola” or “gracias” but you’ll still be able to have basic communication.
If you don’t have any basic Spanish at all then you might want to start with something like an intensive or crash course. You’ll be surrounded by the target language and if you put in a lot of effort then not only will you improve your language skills, but also enrich your cultural understanding and vocabulary.
1. Travel
There are so many things to see and do in Spain. You can go to the beach, you can go hiking, you can climb mountains, you can listen to great music, you can sleep in a castle or another historical building.
What are the things worth seeing in your country/city? Well, what would the people from Spain want to see if they were coming to visit you? Well then! That’s exactly the kind of places that should show them what kind of place your country is.
2. You’ll be able to communicate with locals.
When you attend an intensive course and decide to live in the country that speaks the language you’re learning, then it’s really difficult to avoid using the language.
What are you going to do? You’re going to be surrounded by Spanish and forced to use it. Not only will you hear it spoken all around you, but you’ll also be able to practice what you’ve learned in class with native speakers.
3. The language will help you understand more about the culture.
You’re going to be living in the country that speaks it and it’s easy to get immersed within a language because you can listen to it, hear it, and speak it. It’s a lot easier to understand the culture when you’re surrounded by it.
4. It’ll be easier to learn at home.
The reason why so many people do not learn Spanish is that they don’t know anyone that does and subsequently have no one with whom to communicate in Spanish. You’ll be able to connect with native speakers that speak Spanish and find out what’s going on in their country. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about their culture and they will be able to share with you about yours.
If you’ve spent time in Spanish culture and learned a few words and phrases then it’ll be much easier for you to learn on your own and even more so if you can now practice on Skype with people from the country. Language is something that we all naturally want to do and it’s really difficult not to use it.
5. The people in Spain are wonderful.
Spanish people are very friendly and it’s very easy to make friends with them. They’re fun and easy to talk to. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy yourself as you learn Spanish.
If you’re really interested in learning Spanish then there are many reasons why you should consider the option of studying abroad. Spain is a wonderful place to learn. It’s beautiful, it’s safe, and it’s filled with opportunities.
6. You’ll get to experience new things.
People usually don’t like learning about the same thing for a very long time. After a while, it gets boring. If you travel to Spain then you’re going to get to experience many different things while learning Spanish. There are so many different foods and places to see and you’ll go back home and tell your friends all about it. Experiencing new things will make learning Spanish a lot more fun.
7. You’ll meet new people.
If you go to Spain then you’ll have the opportunity to make Spanish-speaking friends. You can get the chance to learn about their culture as well as spend time with them and create new memories.
8. You’ll feel more confident in your ability to learn Spanish.
If you’ve never been to a Spanish-speaking country then it can be difficult to feel like you can learn the language, but once you do, it will be a lot easier for you. It’s very difficult to feel like you can’t learn a language if you’ve just spent some time in the country where it’s spoken.
9. You’ll feel like a valued member of your country.
When you spend so much time learning a language it’s easy to think that everyone else is also studying it. You’ll have the opportunity to find out that you aren’t the only person that is learning Spanish and that you should be proud of your accomplishment. People will appreciate you for knowing a new language.
10. You’ll have the opportunity to find a job that’s related to Spanish.
If you want to learn Spanish then you’ll have a great opportunity to find a job that involves Spanish. You can easily find jobs that are related to Spanish such as working as an interpreter, translator, or advisor.
11. Learning Spanish is fun.
Studying abroad can be difficult at times, but learning Spanish is fun and you’ll get to the point where you don’t even realize that you’re studying something. If you are able to learn Spanish, you’ll find that you enjoy the time that you spend practicing and preparing for your classes as well as the time spent traveling and being in another country.
12. It will make you more confident.
If you’ve never traveled to Spain before then it’s hard to know what to expect. You’ll be able to have the chance to learn Spanish while traveling and experience many different things. You’ll have the opportunity to meet people, make new friends, and you will feel more confident in your ability to speak Spanish.
13. You’ll feel more confident with your Spanish.
If you’ve traveled to Spain then you’ll have the opportunity to speak Spanish with the locals in the country. You’ll be able to practice your Spanish, and improve your fluency. You’ll soon realize that you’re speaking Spanish fluently and you won’t even recognize your mistakes anymore.
14. You’ll get to practice multiple languages.
You may begin to notice that you are speaking Spanish when you’re traveling to other countries. You’ll find that you’re able to learn other languages as well. If you’ve traveled around the world and never learned a foreign language, then you won’t have a problem learning multiple languages.
15. You’ll find that you have another hobby to grow.
You can easily find a hobby that is related to Spanish. You could take up drawing or taking pictures and then use your skills to take pictures in Spain. You could become a dog walker or use Spanish to ask for directions. You’ll find that you have many ways to use your skills with Spanish.
Want to learn Spanish in Spain? Go for it!
If you’re an experienced traveler who’s interested in learning Spanish, then you definitely don’t have the option of doing it alone.
Do you think that a basic understanding of Spanish will help when you go to Spain or does it really matter? Are there any other benefits of learning Spanish in Spain?