How to learn Russian quickly – the greatest tip you don’t know:
Some say that speeding is not often a bad thing.
When on the road over-speeding might cause you a ticket charge. with the street enforcer grabbing you to face the offense. But, when it comes to learning Russian you can cuddle it and boosts you’re learning journey soaring high.

Learning Russian can open many opportunities. When taking the lessons in a particular learning website may benefit you into advanced learning strategy than self-study.
Watching videos can offer you the newest Russian speech and expressions while textbooks aid you through the grammar rules of the language.
So, if you want to speed up your journey in learning Russian, apply these tips and feel the enhancements it provides.
Learn the Cyrillic alphabet rather than the Transliterations
The Cyrillic alphabet is the Russian language alphabet used. Most of the letters are similar to that in English, but a few differences. It’s very crucial to learn the Cyrillic alphabet when taking the Russian language.
A lot of learning materials offered like transliterations of Russian words to get rid of unease in learning Russian, however, these are a waste of time and money than mastering the alphabet.
Why not to learn transliterations?
If you learn the transliterations you won’t be able to read all words than learning the alphabet. Even if you skip to study the vocabulary and invest to learn the Cyrillic alphabet, still, you can grasp some written words through the sounds of the word.
Invest a few hours to study the alphabet, need not to sweat, because it isn’t tough, and think of it as a split thing, rather than making it more complicated by distinguishing the sound that goes with it.
Try Russian ABC – Russian Alphabet:
Know the common words
Understanding and learning common words make you practice your Russian skills daily. Being fluent will cost much time and many months or takes years to master the language.
However, taking this type of knowing the common words is a great technique to start up your engine and run on the road going to fluency.
Above all, when you are equipped with the common words you will be able to develop a basic conversation and have the chance to listen to the Russian speaker where more learning will happen.
Learn Russian – Common Words & Expressions:
Used Audio and Video resources
Utilizing audio and video resources enhances learning experience by surfing on YouTube and other resources. Audio and Video resources are made from the actual sounds of the native speakers speak the Russian language. This is a great help for learners to hear the real sound of the words, vowels, speech and many more in Russian authentic version.
Watch the 1000 Basic Russian Vocab & Expressions:
Learn words that are similar to your first language
English and Russian languages have similarities in English language; however, there are also differences between them. Find the words that are nearly similar to your first language.
Different languages have shared similar origin like Latin and Greek. If you are an English speaking student, you can spot the similar words in Russian and English.
Secondly, the loan words have commonality in which many different languages have historic loan words in ancient times. Loan words resulting commonalities and connection between the languages, making a learner easy to grasp.
If you want to read and study some shared words between English and Russian simply click the link.
Practice daily
Even if you apply all the tips given here if you don’t practice your skills it will not work.
Everyday practice is very crucial to level up your skills and keeping you going forward. Rare practice or studying can result to slow progression but, practicing often makes you more attentive and focus on your goal.
Make learning Russian an everyday routine can help you speed up your learning journey in an effective way.
Take lessons on learning sites that offered advanced programs
A lot of websites offering many different language programs that make your goal more reachable and help your learning journey progressive.
Other language programs promised fast and great results. But not all of them offered the authentic service you are looking for. Be careful to search or do your own investigation regarding this matter.
If you find the authentic one, rest assured you have the leap into learning the Russian language fast and accurately.
Benefits on Learning the Russian Language
It is very crucial to know your goal of learning a foreign language, as fulfilling able you to achieve something great.
If you are a motivated learner you are willing to take the challenge and leap it.
Why you don’t take the most challenging but rewarding experience that can stress your sense of fulfillment?
Talking about the challenging languages one of those is the Russian language.
Now, what are the benefits of learning the hardest language? Here are the benefits of learning the Russian language:

Increase your mental alertness
Becoming bilingual has a lot of benefits to your brain. Whether you are an adult, or young – learning a foreign language boosts your mental alertness and capacity.
Obviously, learning Russian will get you crazy with the unique alphabet, consonants, confusing pronunciation, and a lot more.
But, according to American Academy of Neurology, having the knowledge of speaking a second language modifies your brain cells to function quickly and enhances mental alertness.
That’s the benefit of taking one Slavic language out of any other simple languages.
Learning Russian beyond the language
Learn Greek and visit Greece. But, if you opt for Russian language you can visit the place and also, you can interact with several people around the world.
The U.S.S.R. or the former Soviet Union was the heir of the Russian Empire of the Tsars namely: Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldavia and many more.
You can’t fully experience an extravagant stay or maybe roaming around the country if you are only equipped with the English language and translation app with lacking skills of understanding and speaking Russian language.
It’s an unforgettable vacation if you can converse with the Russian people more than asking the common questions like asking for the street directions, etc. you can cite and explore different awesome attractions without worries if you can able to speak Russian.
Open many business and job opportunities
Technological innovations greatly influenced the modern world today, the employment world is evolving extensively to become a universally powerhouse. Because the online bridge the gap to all corners of the world – virtual calling (Skype video calling) and online business partnership make entrepreneurs, employers can quickly access and make collaboration with the employees and vice versa without longer hiring not only people living near the area but also outside and to any part of the world.
There are over 150 million native Russian speakers around the world venturing business, marketing, and others. So, learning Russian language can unlock different opportunities in business and employment.
There’s a great chance to enter Russia’s major industries such as oil, gas, medicals, and others.
Have the chance to learn even more languages
On one occasion when you learn the Cyrillic alphabet, Russian phrases and words you have the capacity to learn other languages, particularly the Slavic languages such as the Belarusian and any other languages in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. These countries used the Cyrillic alphabet like Montenegro too.
According to the linguistic statistics – Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian has 90 percent of the similar vocabulary, which Russian has about 60 percent related to Serbo-Croatian and Polish languages; and about 40 percent the same with the Czech language.
Resulting from being a bilingual or a polyglot has more chances in getting the job or has a head start on doing business around the globe.
Multiply your friends or fall in love with Russians
If you are longing to make friends with the Russians or maybe fall in love with a Russian learning their language add more points to make closer to the woman or a Russian guy you love. It’s not impossible to make friends too.
The beauty of Russian women is classic while Men are less in population that Women. The fact about gender population is 87:100 (87 men for every 100 women) than 98:100 (98 men for every 100 women) in the U.S.
There’s a great history behind these gender ratios. The Russian lost 20 million soldiers during the Soviet Era while the U.S lost around 400,000 soldiers in World War II. There are more females compared to men in Russia and the aptness of speaking their language can create a romantic tie with them.
Moreover, making friends with the Russians also, introduce you to the variety outlook on the media events and the world.
Related Questions:
What are the things you need to know before visiting Russia?
Russia country is the biggest country in the world and the great destination to visit.
So much richness in Moscow, the extreme beauty of Soviet tower, and the magnificence of the winter palace, the glamorous beach of Sochi – are a few amazing attractions to describe when talking about Russia.
There are many things to know before visiting Russia country;
Visit the Soviet theaters
A political cause called the “Propaganda” was the opening for the communist government during ancient centuries. This is the reason why most of the places like towns in Siberia have their own theaters. An Omsk State Music Theater is the best example which is likely a huge ski slope filled with beautiful shrubs and has a central hall inside.
Next, the Buryat State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Ulan-Udewith Soviet where you can find murals on walls, painting Lenin in different heroic poses all over the ceiling. Enjoy and watch the ballet presentation there for only £5 than in The Bolshoi, which is pricey that costs around £120 for tourists. But, if you have the budget, you don’t have to worry about the cost of spending £120 surely you will enjoy the show.
There are cheap priced at Moscow
Moscow is well-known for being a lot more expensive than the London rates; however, there are many things to enjoy for free.
Gorky Park is great when visiting in a good weather condition while during the afternoon you can view the Muscovites scenery.
You can visit the incredible architecture of St Basil’s cathedral and Lenin’s mausoleum and enjoy ducking into the Gum.
The fascinating building of their mall store which has made up with 20,000 metallic glass that lit by skylights.
When craving Russian foods, at Stolovaya 57 you can find traditional foods with a low-priced.
Drink like a Russian
Do you hear the word “Vodka?” Yes, it’s from Russia. Surely you loved Vodka!
Russians extremely love the Vodka. This word is rooted from the word “Voda” which means for water.
Relatively speaking, when a Russian started to open the bottle they love to share it with the group of friends until its empty. If you feel groggy and enough simply leave a little amount of vodka in the glass to show that your dazed.
Wear shoes not sandals in the Cities
Don’t wear sandals and slippers in Moscow as the hot weather soars high to 30 degrees during summer – it’s not advisable to wear slippers and sandals if you don’t want your toes get burnt. Additionally, wearing sandals and slippers in Moscow portray not well in fashioned and most of the people will stare at you.
You want to be personified with a bad taste fashioned? Surely no!
Third class on overnight trains is much cheaper
From £787 fees the first class is pricey with exclusively two bunks per cabin while spending from £292 in a third class cabin is a lot cheaper than the second class costs £442. The third class is an open carriage with 54 buds on it, whereas the second class has four bunks per cabin. If you are traveling by yourself the third class is a perfect class overnight train to take but, if you have a company with you or you have your partner the second class is much cheaper than the first class. The overnight trip is entirely safe, however, most families third class is better to choose.
Better to bring food with you during travelling
Most of the trains don’t even have food stores inside the train if ever there’s a restaurant on it rest assured it’s overpriced.
There is a boiling water in each carriage where you can use it freely, so it’s very important to bring some instant noodles, porridge with you or bring some frozen fruit which is ready to eat while on board.

Why are Russians so ungenerous with their smiles?
Russians are so ungenerous with their smiles because they don’t want to be viewed with mental sickness or with inferior complexity. Russians rarely smile to strangers because they think that if you smile often you are insane or have mental illness.
This begins to, the articles posted in the Lead- up to the World Cup noting that Russians were being instructed how to smile properly at the soccer fans who would possibly visit their country.
In different countries smiling is a sign of happiness and welcoming gestures in addressing people on an event or any other occasion or even in our daily life if you are a friendly neighbor.
English smile vs. Russian smile
The truth behind the “smiling gap” is clearly explained in the Psychology research.
According to research there’s a noticeable gap in how people smile in the United States than Russian people.
It’s not that case that the Russians are unfriendly and heartless people. Rather, it’s a study of the certain gestures – like smiling, turn a major part of social interactions in different cultures and not anything else.
There are explanations for the “smiling gap” that may clear this thing and understand the Russian people in every way;
When different people interact with each other with different cultures they obviously showed different “norms” which is very natural and understandable for everyone.
Studies have shown that Russia has “social distance” below range level of that in the U.S people. In other words, Russian people are waiting to be first greeted by strangers than doing it.
They are not used to display a positive feeling like smiling to show openness to others, especially if both are new to each other as strangers.
The common reason why some people want to learn a new language in a quick and easy way because they are in a hurry to visit their dream destinations and they don’t have enough time to learn the language.
But, the tips and techniques above are not posted to make your learning fast like a finger tweak or magic. By applying these tips it will boost your learning strategy and make learning not a burden to you but in a methodical, easy and fun ways.
The above information can help you when planning your vacation and give you more insights to be aware where the best places to visit without spending much.
To conclude, Russian language is hard but enrich with culture and literature. It’s worth spending in Russia when visiting awesome places and destinations where you experience excitement; and at the same time you have the endless opportunities when learning the language.