Language-learning is one complex task and becoming fluent in it is another level of challenge. People do not often have the time, luxury, and determination to learn a second or a third language. Language institutions are expensive and time-consuming, as they would require you to visit your classes regularly — some for a specific number of hours in a week and some for daily meetings. These institutions have language-learning curriculums that they strictly follow which makes it more complicated, especially for beginners.

Worry no more! Language-learning programs online have been ramping up. In 2013, an innovative way of learning a language, Duolingo, has been launched.

How Can You Learn a Language in Duolingo?

Duolingo is a medium that can be easily accessed worldwide through its website, The Duolingo app can also be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Duolingo is a language-learner friendly. It is free, simple, and time-saving. All you need is access to a mobile device and the internet. What makes it more convenient is that you can learn in the comfort of your home and during your idle times.

Part of the lessons in Duolingo would be listening, speaking translations into the microphone, and typing in phrases. Not only that it offers over 85 language courses, but you can take examinations and assessments, too. If you fail, the platform gives you additional methods to improve your skills and enhance your language-learning. It also motivates you by keeping track of the time you spent studying a language as well as your development through the results found in your in-lesson tests. The winning points and level completions — things that are easily quantified — are substantial ways to measure your progress.

Duolingo has its fair share of positive and negative feedback from users. Some reviews talk about how good the program is and how the possibilities in it are never-ending. On the other hand, people talk about how learning a language in five minutes a day is a concept that cannot be done.

Yes, the motivation for creating this form of education is very inspiring and full of potential. Duolingo is a reliable way to learn a new language and to sharpen one’s knowledge of various languages. Since people are pleased with its clear structure and interface, it should deliver on its reputation of quality content. However, some users discovered otherwise. One of the reviews on Duolingo explained that some examples appear to be “funny.” A sample sentence found in one of the language courses said, “I’m a duck who speaks English.”

Users may have been taught how to translate that, but it is not a sentence you would be using, and because it comes off as a “funny” sentence, it is then not useful.

Also, there are varying quantities of material available for different languages. Those languages that are not often sought-after by users do not have as much content as those that are commonly studied. As a result, it limits the learning of a user that is studying a specific language that lacks content.

From the reviews, not useful and insufficient contents are the aspects of the platform that needs improvement.

Learning the Russian Language

Mandarin, German, English, Korean, Vietnamese, Arabic, French, Polish, and Russian — it being the focus of this article — are just a few of the many languages that Duolingo offers. If you are one to study and master Russian, keep on reading for this will help you review the platform if whether Duolingo is an effective tool for learning the language.

Globalization opened doors for people to work internationally. Russia is located between two large regions — Europe and Asia — is one of the go-to of the hopefuls. Russian is the seventh most spoken language in the world. Of course, once you have landed a job, and started working alongside your colleagues or clients, or if you feel the need to be aware of Russia’s market and business, it is highly necessary to speak and understand the Russian language. Even for getting a Russian degree, residency, for travel, or if you admire their culture, knowing the language is a bonus. Russia has so much to offer. But for you to get the full experience, you would need to learn the language first.

What makes the Russian language difficult is because, in the early stages of learning, you are introduced to a new alphabet, grammar categories, genitive cases, and the animate and inanimate worlds. They say that Russian grammar is an obstacle on its own. There are those who take online placement tests and would get zero skills as a result. It is not easy, yes, but it is not as hard as you think either. Once you pass the initial hurdles, you will be ticking off language-learning milestones at speed. Learning Russian is the necessity of good memory and long, intense, formal, grammar drill given that it is a language that is strictly rule-based.

Russian is not the easiest language to learn — especially not in a week, a month, or even three months. Learning a language requires finding the best method to do so.

Learning Russian on Duolingo

Duolingo would never magically make you go Russian, but we are here to analyze if the program is one useful tool or if it helps speed up the learning process.

Some people would take formal Russian classes; there are those who do supplemental learning online and those that solely rely on multiple online resources. An online platform is an emerging form of language instruction, Duolingo being one of which. Those that use these online courses would often continuously study a specific language for three years, sometimes even more. No matter how you would want to study Russian, there are two things you would always need — big effort and the right tools.

In learning Russian, Duolingo is a good start. You can consider it as a self-improvement project — that every time you level upon it, you are moving one step closer to mastering the language. It can even play a vital role in learning basic words that are commonly used. It is most definitely a good tool, but it is just “one” tool. It is not a complete curriculum. To learn and be proficient in Russian, or any other languages, you don’t need to limit yourself to only one platform. You must broaden your resources and choose the powerful ones to learn the language to fluency, Duolingo is just one of the hundreds of methods in learning Russian.

Another good base for language-learning success is spending an enormous amount of time immersing yourself constantly in the language. You must practice the language in your everyday life – read articles and watch videos and shows in Russian, and, most importantly, to interact with people more knowledgeable about the language. Use every opportunity to speak it. Having real-life conversations with native speakers is the best way to achieve your Russian speaking skills. When you communicate in Russian, be brave, and ask them to correct your mistakes. It is through trial and error that you become more confident and comfortable with your speaking skills. Having your nose stuck in a textbook or online course will never help you develop the ability to hold a conversation.

Even studying for a half-day in Duolingo will never help you be fluent faster. Regular practice and, ideally, immersion, are more than what Duolingo or any other online platforms can offer.

If all else fails, you can always seek the services of an experienced Russian teacher. They can provide structured learning that would best suit your personal goals. While this is one of the best methods, it is not always the most accessible for any individual who doesn’t have the money and resources. Thus, some sites connect language learners to native speakers through online messaging and video chat. Also, there is a demand for emerging online platforms to evolve and become more conducive to learning.

Learning Russian, or any language, being fluent is an achievable goal. But if you hurry the process, it can be a hopeless project. You might know the language, but how about the pronunciation? The comprehensible accent? How can you use Russian in daily conversations?

You must learn first what words mean, and then, theoretically, you should be able to use those words when you speak the language with another person. Duolingo is a perfect choice for studying words one-by-one.

There is a long road between being a beginner and becoming fluent. It takes a lot of time looking up Russian words or living in the language. But, wow, it does take lesser time than it did several years ago — when technology is not yet a thing. If you try to do it through shortcuts, you would eventually realize in the end that you are nowhere near progressive.

Again, proficiency in a language takes a lot of steady work. Duolingo might help you learn Russian, but it won’t magically turn you into a fluent speaker.

With a combination of Duolingo, daily practice, powerful resources, and constant immersion, you will be ready to be on your way to learning and being fluent in the Russian language.

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