How Long Does It Really Take to Learn German Fluently?

It’s a common question: how long does it take to learn German fluently? The answer, unfortunately, isn’t as simple as a single number. It depends on a variety of factors, from your previous experience with learning languages to the amount of time you’re willing to dedicate to studying.

That said, there are some general language learning timelines you can keep in mind as you start your German journey. In this article, we’ll explore how long it takes to reach different levels of German proficiency, from beginner to advanced.

Factors That Influence How Long It Takes To Learn German

Many different factors determine how long it takes to learn German. Some of these include the learner’s age, their level of prior knowledge of related languages, how much time they’re willing to dedicate to learning the language, and their learning method (e.g., classroom vs. self-study).

Learner’s Age

One important factor that can affect how long it takes to learn German is the learner’s age. Young children may find it easier to learn a new language than adults, as they have a higher capacity for learning new information and tend to be more motivated to learn. Older adults may find it more difficult to learn a new language as their brain may not be as flexible as it was when they were younger.

Level of Prior knowledge of Related Languages

Someone who has already learned a related language, such as Spanish or French, will find it easier to learn German than someone who has never studied a foreign language before. This is because the learner’s brain will already have some knowledge of grammar and vocabulary that they can apply to learn German.

How much time they’re willing to dedicate to learning the Language

The amount of time a learner is willing to dedicate to learning German also affects how long it takes them to become proficient in the language. If they are willing to spend hours every day studying German, they will likely learn it more quickly than someone who is only willing to study for an hour or two each week.

Their Learning Method

Finally, the method a learner chooses to study German also affects how long it takes them to become proficient in the language. Someone who studies German in a classroom setting with a teacher will likely learn more quickly than someone who studies on their own with no help from a teacher. This is because, in a classroom setting, the learner has access to teachers who can help them with pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, and can provide feedback on their progress.

Measure Your German Fluency

There are a few different things to take into account when measuring your fluency in German to choose the right tools and vocabulary. One way to measure your progress is by taking periodic proficiency tests online. German is a useful language to learn, so it’s worth putting in the effort to improve your skills. With enough practice, you’ll be able to fluently communicate in German!

How Easily Learn German

There are a few things that can make learning German tricky, depending on your native language. If your native language is not German, you will need to focus on separable and modal verbs. These are two areas where German can differ significantly from other languages. If you share a few cognates with German, you may find it more efficient to learn vocabulary using flashcards with images. You can also focus on learning from frequency lists to help increase your vocab uptake speed and duration.

Pronunciation: The Hardest Part of Learning German


The hardest part of learning German, for many native English speakers, is pronunciation. In particular, the ‘r’ sound is often the most difficult to master and can be a dead giveaway that someone is not a native speaker. This is because, in English, the ‘r’ sound is generally not used at the beginning of words. However, in German, the ‘r’ sound is used at the beginning of words as well as in the middle and at the end. So, to make yourself sound more like a native speaker, it is important to practice saying words with an ‘r’ sound both at the beginning and in the middle, and at the end of words.

German Language: Fluent in 6 Levels

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale is used to measure fluency in a language. There are six levels on the scale, with “C2” being the most fluent. The German language has six levels on the CEFR scale, with “C2” being considered fluent. This means that a person who has reached level “C2” in German can speak and write the language fluently. They can understand almost all written and spoken material, and can easily express themselves in German.

A1 German: The Basics

A1 German level is the first level and refers to basic knowledge and subjects learned in German. A1 level is often expressed as a beginner or beginner level. At the A1 German level, you can handle simple and routine tasks without any problems and deal with everyday situations.

A2 German Level: Intermediate level

The A2 German level is an intermediate level of German knowledge. At this level, you can easily make simple sentences and have basic conversations in German. The A2 German level is divided into three sub-levels: A2.1, A2.2, and A3. Many companies we partner with have this as their minimum recruitment requirement. However, this is not a sufficient academic education.

German Level B1

The B1 German level is the third level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This level is the minimum level of recruitment that many companies work with for those who will work with a foreign team in departments such as project management, foreign sales, and exports. In the Berlitz level system, the B1 German level is divided into 3 sub-levels as B1.1, B1.2, and B1.3.

B2 German: The Fourth Level in the CEFR

The B2 German level is the fourth level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The Berlitz level system is divided into two sub-levels: B2.1 and B2.2. At this level, students can communicate with a high degree of fluency and spontaneity. They can also use idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms. Additionally, they can understand complex texts, including those with non-standard dialects.

The Professional Level of Language Proficiency

C1 and C2 speakers are proficient in the language. They can use all linguistic structures and a large vocabulary. Their communication is fluent, clear, and well-organized. They can develop their ideas in speech coherently.

The Foreign Service Institute’s Guide to Foreign Language Learning

The Foreign Service Institute has created a practical reference for individuals interested in learning a foreign language. The list contains difficulty ratings and the estimated number of classroom hours necessary to learn each language at a semi-proficient level. German is rated as a category 2 language and is considered to be similar to English. The FSI estimates that German takes approximately 30 weeks, or 750 classroom hours to learn. Although that may sound like a lot, even languages closely related to English, such as Spanish and French, can take up to 24 weeks or 600 hours to learn.


Learning German takes time and dedication, but it is possible to become fluent in the language. With the right resources and methods, you can learn at your own pace and reach your goal of fluency.

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